(for appearances in Slovenian media, see bottom of this page)
- BUDAPEST 2013, National Bela Bartok Hall/Palace of Arts, review in the journal Fidelio: “The Pedalparade was a great overture for the 2013 year…the result was an entirely new classical music experience (…) Stylistic contrasts between the sounding of the three musical instruments have stepped up the extraordinary efficiency of the encores. An important principle seemed to emerge: the musically new, seemingly leaving behind the academic tradition and therefore certainly alarming or “libertine”, was in fact a historically informed pluralism (…) Miklavčič was emotionally committed while the expression control of the sound was perfectly maintained, the ‘performing arts realm’ was extended…The audience’s delight.”
kritika/pedalparade_is_volt? fb_action_ids=4099751785880 - A truly exceptional concert – during the intervall, we couldn’t wait for the 2nd part! At the end, almost countless encores were necessary, for the large audience in the Great National Bartok Bela Hall simply never ceased applauding!
- MADRID, ROYAL PALACE: “An exceptional musician….colorful and demanding repertoire… with his interpretation he entirely enchanted the large audience, who in turn rewarded him with standing ovations”
- LONDON, THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF ORGANISTS: 2 concerts and a Masterclass (for integral text, see the link)
“a brilliant young Slovenian keyboardist ”
Schumann: …under Mr Miklavčič’s hands and feet, a revelation…phrases were shaped with the elastic range of dynamics and sophisticated coloring of texture………we were impressed by Miklavcic’s control of the ankle muscles which gave as much subtle control of dynamic in the bass as elsewhere. All this whilst also operating the sustaining pedal!
Bach: a performance of great imagination on the pedal harpsichord. We heard tempos faster than are possible on the organ, which splendidly brought out the display nature of the Toccata and the gigue-like dance quality of the Fugue. The Adagio was transformed into a beautiful ensemble (…) captivatingly ornamented yet naturally evolving cantilena in the right hand.
Brahms: beautifully simple…inflected as only a pianist can……. Mr. Miklavčič…shall return to lead the 2011 RCO London Organ Forum. )
…a marvelous musical experience….Dalibor Miklavcic presented completely new aspects….the concert generated much interest and those who attended were well-rewarded….. this instrument made an excellent case for the repertoire. The performance electrified the audience…… Bach was presented in a brilliant tempo and virtuosic manner, reflecting one of the very interesting aspects of exploring this repertoire on the pedal harpsichord…. a whole new room of virtuosity……a fireworks display of technique….. the pedal piano creates an exciting new context through which to hear this music…….This concert was a wonderful appetizer and we look forward to hearing many more performances from Miklavcic… (review Paul Peeters, GOArt)
- ROMA, Italian Organists confederation
Review 1: Un concerto di particolare interesse…. molto convincente…. Un’esecuzione intima e poetica valorizzata dalle spiccate doti espressive di Miklavcic… La sorpresa più grande è stata la rilettura al cembalo a pedali della Toccata, Adagio e Fuga in do magg. BWV 564….Miklavčič ha evidenziato atteggiamenti agogici e virtuosistici che, non pertinenti all’organo, qui risultavano legittimi……. sempre con solida competenza storica e profonda sensibilità. http://www. confederazioneorganisticaitali
Review 2: …una gustosa e raffinatissima performance….con spontanea naturalezza, davanti ad un pubblico attento e competente… coinvolgente espressività di Miklavčič che sostenuto da una tecnica impeccabile e travolgente, diremmo pirotecnica, si è esibito con la medesima efficacia all’organo, al Pedalcembalo e al Pedalpianoforte…. (G. Libertucci)
- BUDAPEST 2010, FERENC LISZT Music Academy (Masterclass and solo recital: review in journal “Muzsika”)
Am Abend des zweiten Kurstages fand Miklavčičs Konzert statt – er bezauberte mit seinem Spiel am Pedal-Pianoforte. Der edle, milde Ton des Instrumentes und Miklavčičs außerordentliche Virtuosität im Pedalspiel (auch rein optisch spektakulär) zeigten, wie der Künstler Eins ist mit seinem instrument, wie sie vollends miteinander verwachsen sind. In Kompositionen von Schumann und Lefébure-Wély, dank der hervorragender Interpretation, konnten wir neben pregnantem Rhytmus auch mit Begeisterung verschiedenste dynamische Abstufungen und ihre vielen Farbnuancen verfolgen (…)Miklavčič ist sympatisch, offen und mit Humor gesegnet…..sein Temperament, sein Arbeitspotenzial waren lobenswert. Mit seinem Spiel und Unterricht einzelner Teile der Kompositionen formte er ausgezeichnete Gestik bzw. Charaktere, öffnete wichtige Geheimnisse über Spieltechnik und demonstrierte Studenten den Sinn historischer Fingersätze.
- KATOWICE, Music Academy Karol Szymanowsky
…a concert of a very high level. Miklavčič hypnotized his audience with his pedal haprsichord…
- OSTHEIM, 10. Fränkische Orgelakademie/Germany
“Nach Prof. Harald Vogel übernahm dieses Jahr Prof. D. Miklavčič die Leitung des Meisterkurses. Im Konzert demonstrierte er die gewaltige Klangvielfalt der Orgel eindrucksvoll (….) und eröffnete den Zuhörern am Pedalcembalo ein nicht alltägliches Erlebnis!”
- Radio SLOVENIA, August 3 2011 (Program Ars, a concert with Simon Standage, baroque violin)
Seldom Early Music was as present as today: we were able to meet a “new old” instrument: a PEDAL HARPSICHORD! It was possible to hear and see it only in two concerts of Dalibor Miklavčič, because this instrument is extincted since the late 18th century and no original instrument from baroque period survived. A reconstructed instrument was now presented also in Slovenia; in an absolutely full church, Miklavčič led his audience through inspired baroque works. Dalibor Miklavčič proves his sensitivity and, in the same time, a proud performance of virtuoso solistic passages as well. He shows ability of the abundant baroque ornamentation, motorical perfection and leading of melodic lines in slow movements, he posesses elan and the idea of the wholeness of the musical work and harpsichord playing in general. - Composer Petr Eben, Prague (written on June 16th, 2003):
“Sie gehören zu Künstlern, die meine Musik gut verstehen. Ihre rhytmische Prägnanz und Registrierungen gefallen mir sehr! Die Tempi und Dramatik entsprechen ganz meinen Vorstellungen”
Some previous appearances in Slovenia’s TV & newspapers:
“PEDALNI KLAVIR and 2CELLOS” in; (English, start at 6:00)