ORGAN SOLO: almost any repertoire from Robersbridge codex via German Italian and French renaissance, baroque, German and French 19th century, to Alain, Dupré, Duruflé etc, Petr Eben, some Slovene contemporaries & Improvisation
ORGAN & ORCHESTRA: Bach BWV 1056 (transposed to e-min), BWV 29/1 etc Haydn (Double concerto in F for organ&violin), Händel Concerti Op. 4., Mozart Kirchensonaten
19th century: Charles-Marie Widor: Symphony No. 3 For Organ and Orchestra Op. 69, Alexandre Guilmant: SymphonyNr. 2 for Organ and Orchestra Op. 91 (my arrangement)
NEW!!! The orGhestra Project 2024:
Dalibor Miklavčič (organ) Kana Matsui (1st violin), Neža Klinar (2nd violin) and Nicole Pressler (flute): Mozart Flute Concerto K314 in D-major
NEW – winter 2023!!! Bach C-Major Double Concerto BWV 1061 – arr. for 2 small organs: Ana Marija Krajnc (primo) Dalibor Miklavčič (secondo)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
NEW! Reconstructed for Pedal Piano: Sonate Es-Dur K481/1,2
NEW! Rondo-Allegro Es-Dur (original: string trio) K563
Selected Sonatas for piano (around and after 1785) in pedaliter version
Ouverture&Fuge in C K399, Fantasia K608
NEW! Eine kleine Nachtmusik KV 525 – original quartett score performed on Pedalfügel
Divertimento F-major KV 138 – original score arranged for Pedalflügel
Five Divertimentos, K.Anh.229/439b (selection; reconstructed for Pedalflügel – possibly the origin of some of the movements?)
Robert Schumann: Studien & Skizzen für den Pedalflügel Op. 56, 58 (1845)
Franz Liszt: Ad nos ad salutarem undam (the 1850-original “für den Pedalflügel”)
Johannes Brahms: Waltzes op. 39 (original 4 hands score!) & selection from Op. 122
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Sonata B-flat maj op. 65,4 Etude B-flat minor op. 104,2, Preludes from op. 37 etc
NEW! P.I.Tchaikovsky: NUTCRACKER SUITE, my version for Pedal Piano
NEW! Mussorgsky: from Pictures at an exhibition, my version for Pedal Piano
Sergei Rachmaninoff/Dalibor Miklavčič: Etude-tableau Op.39 No.5 in E-flat minor arranged for Pedal Piano
Fryderyk Chopin: selection from Waltzes, Impromptu-Faintasie op.posth. 66 etc
Thomas Dyke Acland Tellefsen (1823–1874): Trois valses brillantes, Quatre Mazurkas
Cesar Franck: Choral Nr. 1 en Mi majeur
Charles-Valentin Alkan: selection from op. 66
Samuel Alexandre Rousseau: selection from “Quinze pièces pour le piano-pédalier”
L J.A.Lefébure-Wély (1817-1869): Bolero de Concert op. 166 🙂
NEW! Ch.-Marie Widor (1844-1937): Symphonie 5,1st mvt; Symphonie 6, 3rd mvt.
Marcel Dupré (1886-1971): Toccata Placare Christe servulis (Le tombeau de Titelouse)
NEW! Cortège et Litanie, Op 19 (my version for Pédalier)
Marco Enrico Bossi (1861-1925): Scherzo in g-minor op. 49,2
Alexander Goedicke: selection from Seven pieces
Derek Bourgeois: Serenade B-flat minor op 22, arr. for Pedalflügel
Paul Hindemith: Lebhaft (Organ sonata 2, mov.1 arr. for Pedalflügel) & selection form Ludus tonalis
Béla Bartók: (1881-1945): arrangements for Pedalflügel of selected movements from Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm, Rumanian Dances, Sonatina etc
Johann Sebastian Bach: (Preludes, Toccatas & Fugues pedaliter) & his direct North-German predecessors Buxtehude, Bruhns, Böhm, Lübeck: Pedalflügel as the pedal clavichord’s paraphrase was extensively used by Mozart as well as in the era of early German romanticism
FORTEPIANO WITH ORCHESTRA: WORLD PREMIERE – Mozart’s contemporary [the name to be revealed after the publication of the first scientific edition in 2024], newly rediscovered CONCERTI for Fortepiano & Orchestra of high quality and artistic value.
Mozart DOUBLE CONCERTO in C Major K299 – Miklavčič’s version for strings, historical Pedalfügel & flûte traversière. Appropriate scorings: from string quartett to 12 strings (4+3+2+2+1). Duration cca 30min.
Johann Christian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Joseph Haydn influenced each other’s life and ideas. These human and artistic relationships among the 3 geniuses suddenly become sympathically obvious to the audience – easily to recognise are friends’ quotations of each other’s themes and structure.
A tasteful & meaningful fusion of 3 Concerto movements by the 3 close friends – a charming, ear- and eyeopening experience within an exciting biographic context. Best scorings: from Pedalflügel & string quartet, up to 14 strings (4+4+3+2+1). Duration cca 25min.
PEDALFLÜGEL with Orchestra (recordings available on request):
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Piano Concertos in d and C KV 466 & 467
reconstructed versions of 1785-premeiere with Mozart’s pedal piano in Vienna
Charles Gounod: Concerto pour Piano-Pédalier & Orch. (E flat major, original from 1889)
FORTEPIANO with Chamber Group or Chamber String Orchestra:
Mozart: Divertimento in D K136, version for Pedalflügel & 2 violins
Sonatas K336, 328, 278, 67, 144, 263, 245…
Some of these Sonatas turned out to be formidable when performed on a Fortepiano, which inspires the perormer’s right hand to improvise in a way that would be unexpected for the pipe organ
Minimal scoring: 2 violins + pedal piano, or 2vln+vlc + Fortepiano.
Mozart: Adagio&Rondo K 617 (scoring 2 treble instruments, vla / or Miklavčič’s arrangement for String Orchestra + Pedalflügel or Flügel)
please choose among all the “Free Works Pedaliter” by Johann Sebastian Bach, Dieterich Buxtehude, Nicolaus Bruhns, Georg Böhm, Vincent Lübeck
Keyboard intavolations of vocal works by Iacobus Handl Gallus (Edition Monumenta artis musicæ Sloveniæ Nr 55, Ed. Marko Motnik) and Keyboard intavolations of Baletti by Ioannes Baptista Dolar (Ed. Dalibor Miklavčič)
Mozart Sonatas K336, 328, 278, 67, 144, 263, 245 ed. al. (with 2 violins or string trio)
Bach Concerto f-minor BWV 1056 (string quartett/quintett/chamber orchestra), Sinfonia BWV 29/1 (arr. for string orchestra with 2 oboes) etc