

Organ – Masterclasses from early repertoire to contemporary & improvisation
Mozart and his “Forte piano pedale”:
documents about Mozart’s Pedalpiano, its use and repertoire
The German Romantic Circle around the “Pedalflügel”: Schumann, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Liszt (suprisingly, also Chopin until 1830)
The origins and development of the French Pédalier tradition: Boëly, Franck, Saint-Saëns, Gounod, Alkan, Tellefsen, Lemmens & Widor & Vierne & A. Schweitzer, Gigout & Boëllmann, Dubois…
North German baroque and stringed keyboard instruments with pedal: Buxtehude, Lübeck, Bruhns, Böhm….and their “Clavierstücke” pedaliter: genuine music for organ?
Bach and the pedal harpsichord: (Forkel, Adlung, Keller…documents from Coethen, Leipzig, Weimar, Jena from the perspective of Bach’s pedaliter works)
Tuning & temperaments for Keyboard Instruments and Ensembles 1500-1800

Miklavčič currently teaches at Academy of Music-University Ljubljana/Slovenia; his previous positions included (until 2009) a full time guestprofessorship for Organ at Kunstuniversität Graz/Austria (KUG).

“…ha saputo dare un’ imporatnte impulso al mondo dell’ organo in Slovenia (…) ha saputo anche maturare una capacità di didatta, sapendo appassionare molti giovani allo studio della musica.” Prof. Lorenzo Ghielmi, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis / Basel

“As teacher, Dalibor Miklavčič shows great talent. His method of teaching is highly motivating.” Prof. Roman Summereder, University of Music and Performing Arts / Vienna

“Dalibor Miklavčič verbindet aussergewöhnliche menschliche Reife mit feurigem musikalischem Temperament und organologischem Weitblick. Seine ansteckende Begeisterung, seine Genauigkeit und respektvoller Umgang lassen ihn als Pädagogen höchst empfehlenswert erscheinen.” Carlo Hommel, Titulaire de la Cathédrale Notre Dame / Luxembourg

“Miklavčič ist sympatisch, offen und mit Humor gesegnet…sein Temperament, sein Arbeitspotenzial sind lobenswert. In seinem Unterricht formt er ausgezeichnete Gestik bzw. Charaktere, öffnet wichtige Geheimnisse über Spieltechnik und demonstriert Studenten den Sinn historischer Fingersätze. Prof. Anikó Horváth, Music Academy Ferenc Liszt, Budapest

“Mr. Miklavčič is an exceptional teacher with commensurate human qualities. One of the best teachers, students may dream of.” Prof. Amalia Telgas, Cambridge, Masachusetts